
  • O. Fomin
  • O. Burlutsyi
  • M. Horbunov
  • O. Logvinenko
  • A. Fomina


railway transport, gondola car, welding operation, frame elements, residual deformations, thermal correction, mathematical model, 3D modeling.


The leading role of railway transport in the implementation of domestic and foreign economic relations of Ukraine is highlighted. It is noted that at present the current and complex problem facing rail transport is the increase of the reliability of the modern domestic fleet of freight cars, among which the main place is given to open wagons. It is indicated that the solution of this problem is possible due to the improvement of the technology of production of their frame elements. It is established that the most economically expedient method of stabilizing the forms of frame elements of open-top wagons when
they are manufactured is thermal correction. 3D models of the spine and spool of the upper gondola car are shown, which were constructed by the authors in the SolidWorks software package. The mathematical research plans and the corresponding mathematical models are presented that allow choosing optimal geometric parameters of heating spots and temperature depending on the amount of deflection to be removed. The results of modelling the process of thermal straightening of the spine and top banding are presented, which was carried out using the specialized Cosmos module that is part of the SolidWorks software package.


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2. Fomin, O.В. Improvement of upper bundling of side wall of gondola cars of 12-9745 model / О.V. Fomin / Scientific and technical journal «Metallurgical and Mining Industry», 2015, №. 1. – P.45-48.
3. Fomin, O.В. Development and application of cataloging in structural design of freight car building / О.V. Fomin, O.V. Burlutsky, Yu.V. Fomina / Scientific and technical journal «Metallurgical and Mining Industry», 2015, №. 2 – P. 250–256.
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How to Cite

Fomin, O., Burlutsyi, O., Horbunov, M., Logvinenko, O., & Fomina, A. (2018). MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF VARIATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF HEIGHT STAINS AT THE THERMAL REMOVAL OF THE CARRIAGE ELEMENTS OF GONDOLA CARS. Transport Systems and Technologies, (31), 186–196. Retrieved from

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