locomotive, information sign, intelligent system, management, train situation, train management.Abstract
The article is devoted to the problem of implementation of intelligent control systems in transport. An important task is to assess the information parameters of the control systems. In the existing works the question of definition of one of the basic parameters of functioning of locomotive control systems - information value of separate signs of a train situation is not considered. This does not make it possible to determine the order of signal processing at the input and assess their contribution to the adoption of a control decision. Moreover, informativeness is a relative value, which is expressed in the different information value of a particular feature for the classification of different train situations. Also, the informativeness of the feature may depend on the type of decisive rules in the classification procedure. The quality of recognition of a train situation in which the locomotive crew is, depends on the quality of the features used by the classification system. The decisive criterion for the informativeness of the features in the problem of pattern recognition is the magnitude of losses from errors. To determine the range of the most informative features of train situations, the method of random search with adaptation was used. The results of the work make it possible to optimize the operation of automated and intelligent train control systems by reducing the amount of calculations and simplifying their algorithm.
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