Problems of ensuring the safety of pedestrian traffic across railway tracks and ways to solve them


  • Vitaliy Kovalchuk
  • Yulia Lesiv



safety of pedestrian traffic, urbanized spaces, pedestrian crossing, actors affecting pedestrians, information system


From the analysis of the state of safety on the railways, it was established that a large number of collisions with pedestrians and their injuries occur outside railway crossings, which requires the development of technical means and the development of a safety culture for pedestrians when crossing railway tracks. The work deals with the urgent issues of ensuring the safety of pedestrian traffic when crossing railway tracks. It should be noted that the relevance of this issue today is also important from an economic point of view, since the loss of human life or injury to people has high economic losses for the country. For Ukraine, given the negative trends in population dynamics, preserving people's health and lives is of particular importance. Therefore, the improvement of safety measures for the movement of pedestrians across railway tracks in the conditions of urbanized cities should be considered in the interaction of all authorities and transport enterprises. It has been established that there is zero tolerance for road traffic fatalities in developed nations, so any measures that can improve road safety and prevent injury or death are urgent and require appropriate research and solutions. The proposed system for improving the safety of pedestrians at railway track crossings is primarily intended to create conditions for minimizing the number of traffic incidents involving pedestrians in populated areas.


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How to Cite

Kovalchuk, V., & Lesiv, Y. (2024). Problems of ensuring the safety of pedestrian traffic across railway tracks and ways to solve them. Transport Systems and Technologies, (43), 8–20.



Technics and techology