Justification of choice of methods for diagnostics of insulation condition of electrical machines of electric railway stock
diagnostics, mathematical model, electrical insulation, damage, amplitude-frequency characteristicAbstract
The object of the study is the process of monitoring the technical condition of electrical insulation of traction electric machines in order to determine the need for their maintenance or repair. Diagnostics of electric machines is an important aspect of supporting the operation of electric drives. Failure of the windings is one of the main reasons for failure of electric motors. Therefore, the task of developing operational methods for diagnosing the insulation of windings of traction electric motors is urgent. A study of the negative impact of operating conditions on the technical condition of electrical insulation of motors was carried out. The analysis of the existing methods of diagnosis of insulation systems of electric machines was carried out. Special attention was paid to the selection of predictive parameters of the insulation state. A mathematical model was developed to study the frequency characteristics of the stator insulation system of the traction electric motor model AD914. Refined dependences of the effect of changes in the insulation parameters of the motor stator winding on its frequency characteristics were obtained. It was concluded that the method of monitoring the insulation state of electric motor windings based on the assessment of electrical resistance relative to the stator core and amplitude-frequency characteristics is the most effective. The field of practical application of the obtained results is the system for monitoring the condition of electrical insulation of traction electric machines to determine the schedule of their maintenance and repair. The conducted research is a scientific justification for the choice of methods and devices for diagnosing the insulation state of electric motors of railway traction rolling stock.
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