
  • M. Volodarets


vehicle, information technology, life cycle, maintenance and repair, information support


The efficiency of the transport company to a large extent depends on how organized and implemented modern principles of building systems maintenance and repair of vehicles. Was found that in Ukraine the use of information technology in service of vehicles is extremely limited. It examined factors that influence on it. Optimization and improvement of system maintenance and repair is a complex task which must be performed in stages. It is necessary to accumulate operating experience of maintenance and repair with the inclusion of these subsystems information support, and is necessary to evaluate the adequacy applied methods. CALS-technologies are widely used in the world of information technology. It was analyzed ways to implement the concept of lifelong information support product life cycle: CALS and PLM approaches. It was proposed as a means of accessing unified information support not use PDM-cystemu and interactive electronic technical manuals IETM. It was found that the introduction of IETM in transport companies will reduce operating costs for maintenance and repair by 5-20%.


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How to Cite

Volodarets, M. (2018). FEATURES OF IMPLEMENTATION OF CONCEPT OF CONTINUOUS INFORMATION SUPPORT FOR THE OPERATION OF THE VEHICLES. Transport Systems and Technologies, (29), 229–234. Retrieved from https://tst.duit.in.ua/index.php/tst/article/view/86



Information, telecommunication and resource saving technologies