
  • Y. Dubravin
  • Y. Cherniak
  • A. Faschevskyy


electromotive control systems, electromechanical systems, virtual laboratory, multimedia technology


The article discusses the use of computer technology in the study of electromotive control systems. Virtual Computer simulators help improve the educational process and is part of the research base of the chair. The authors developed a methodical approach to simulator using computer technology for research and diagnosis of electromechanical
systems electromotive. Computerized virtual laboratory setup, measurement and diagnostic hardware and software systems with real objects and corresponding electromechanical methodological support enable the lowest financial cost to organize an effective laboratory practice cycles electrical disciplines and improve the research base of the chair. The approach to the study of EMF expanding opportunities for independent work in terms of reducing the number of classes, improves the quality of learning and improving distance learning. The use of multimedia technology contributes to the improvement of the educational process, enhance training and provides a powerful tool to deepen the research units of
locomotives. Virtual laboratory models – essential tools effective at performing research work at the department and in the workplace.


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How to Cite

Dubravin, Y., Cherniak, Y., & Faschevskyy, A. (2018). IMPLEMENTATION OF COMPUTER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN THE STUDY OF ELECTROMOTIVE ELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS. Transport Systems and Technologies, (29), 207–217. Retrieved from



Information, telecommunication and resource saving technologies